Department's Profile

The department of Soft Matter Science and Dairy Technology (150e) with the associated Dairy for Research and Training is part of the Institute for Food Technology at the University of Hohenheim.

Our focus is on the study of process-related behavior and changes in milk products and their vegan alternatives during storage to consumption. The primary objective is to investigate the treatment in the entire depth of the individual processing stages with physical, chemical, microbiological and modern immunochemical analysis methods through an interdisciplinary approach and networking research, to describe functional relationships by e.g. kinetics, modelling and simulation.

In doing so, we work with highly complex systems with varying compositions as foods naturally are. A profound understanding of the process related changes offers the opportunity to develop new technologies that preserve natural resources and better save valuable ingredients for nutrition. The Dairy for Research and Training associated with the department also allows us to test laboratory research skills and innovative ideas for processing milk and/or vegan alternatives and to transfer them into practice. Through pilot-scale experiments, we generate initial data to assess the potential, economic viability and sustainability of a new technology. With this and especially our BSc, MSc graduates as well as our Phd students we support the transfer of knowledge on gentle and sustainable processing and new technologies into innovative companies and startups.